Changed strings on my 2 Wechter 3135 Pathmakers before playing for the DelVal RSCDS Lansdowne social Saturday night. Would have done it Friday before playing for the LCD contra with Mr Darcy, but was too tired when I got home from work and decided to have some rest instead. Too bad, because when we were playing that night I wished I had put fresh strings on at least one of the guitars - but sometimes that's how things work out. So now both Pathmakers have fresh strings (Martin M240 Bluegrass gauge: .012, .016, .025w, .035w, .045w, .056w), waiting for the next time they're needed.
Sometimes people who've seen me play a variety of different instruments ask, "How many guitars do you have?" Usually I'll just shrug and say something like, "Oh, too many" or something equally evasive. I don't think of myself as collector, and I certainly don't buy rare or vintage museum pieces; it's more like if I happen to find an instrument that I know is useful for a particular type of music, I'll buy it + then see what other kinds of music it might work for. I almost always buy used rather than new and if I find something that's well made and priced substantially below the price of the same or similar new model, I figure I've found a good deal. I'm going to try and list all my various instruments in future posts, first to see exactly how many I actually have, and second to list why I bought a given instrument in the first place and see if I'm actually using it for the reason I bought it.
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